Our Column Selection Guide by Phases
Phase Polarity  USP Orochem Agilent Restek
100% Dimethyl polysiloxane Non-polar G1, G2, G38 AR-1 DB-1, HP-1 Rtx-1
95% dimethyl/5% diphenyl polysiloxane Non-polar G27, G36 AR-5 DB-5, HP-5 Rtx-5
Polyethylene glycol Polar G16, G20, G39 AR-WAX, AR-WAXQ CP-WAX 52 CB, HP-INNOWax Stabilwax
Polyethylene glycol Polar G16, G20, G39 AR-FAMEWAX DB-FATWAX UI Rtx-Wax
6% Cyanopropylphenol/94% dimethyl polysiloxane Mid-polarity G43 AR-624 DB-624 Rtx-624
14% Cyanopropylphenol/86% dimethyl polysiloxane Mid-polarity G46 AR-1701MS VF-1701 Rtx-1701
(6% cyanopropyl-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane Low-mid polarity G43 AR-1301 DB-1301 Rxi-1301
Nitroterephthalic aicd modified polyethylene glycol (PEG) High polarity, Very inert G53 AR-FFAP DB-FFAP
Polyethylene glycol Polar G16 AR-CARBOWAX DB-CARBOWAX 20M
35%-phenyl-methylpolysiloxane Mid-polarity, G42 AR-35 DB-35 Rtx-35
50%-phenyl-methylpolysiloxane Mid-polarity G3 AR-50 HP-50+ Rxt-50
By Applications

General-purpose, aromatics and semivolatilesArinna-5

Application Orochem
General-purpose, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCBs, and sulfur compounds, drug screening AR-1
General-purpose, aromatics and semivolatiles AR-5
Terpenes, FAME AR-WAX
Residual solvents, terpenes AR-624
Pesticides, chemicals AR-1701MS
Organic acids, free fatty acids (up to C24), phenols, acids dissolved in water AR-FFAP
Alcohols, free acid, ether, glycol, solvents AR-CARBOWAX
Free fatty acid and ethanol aqueous sample AR-WAXQ
Pesticides and herbicides AR-35MS
Chlorinated pesticides, herbicides and basic drugs AR-50MS
Residual solvents, alcohols, oxygenates, volatile organic compounds AR-1301
  • Application Note
  • Flyer / Documents

GC Column

GC Column